Derogatory in a sentence as an adjective

I don't mean that in a derogatory way - I just wish they took their actual talents and ran with them.

> until you've been in a bar and had a fat, bald guySince when is being bald become a derogatory term?

Looks like she proved him right in that regard, at least.-The picture wasn't 'scantily clad' or derogatory, and was unidentifiable.

Nothing derogatory said here about him or his business is meant that way, merely to characterize the people who would see him in a derogatory light.

None of those quotes are derogatory toward Feynman, and I don't see how Wolfram being pleased by Feynman liking his idea says anything about Wolframs ego.

If I go post some derogatory remark on a heavily moderated blog or forum, it's get's junked almost immediately.

> shameless hoardingHoarding is a derogatory term, intended to evoke an emotional response from the reader.

" --The reason is people like me; those who got tired of seeing the font page loaded with derogatory speculation and opinion about AirBnB, and decided to 'flag' all of the submissions.

I would agree with your comment except that seiji used the derogatory term, "brainwash," to refer to an activity that shawn-butler clearly chose to participate in.

When somebody directs "derogatory" remarks at themselves, it's called "self-deprecating".

I usually run across variants of the descriptor "bro-ish" as derogatory, not something people actually want to call themselves; for example, "brostep" is a derogatory term for a subgenre of dubstep that dubstep purists don't like, not something people proudly call their own music.

"****" is a derogatory term, it has connotations and meanings well beyond the most literal definition of "promiscuous person".Calling Tinder user "sluts" is no more appropriate than calling my Chinese users "chinks", or my gay users "faggots".It seems intentionally obtuse to pretend that the term doesn't have a gigantic truckload of derogatory connotations behind it.

They used gender-based names to refer to me in a very derogatory and degrading way, and proceeded to go through my social profiles and mock my private life and family - because I had the audacity to attempt to engage them in a conversation while being male.> Does this mean we’re going to get angry at you if you try to help and get it wrong?\n> This is an a fear that has come to light through side channels.

Derogatory definitions


expressive of low opinion; "derogatory comments"; "disparaging remarks about the new house"

See also: derogative disparaging