Sanely in a sentence as an adverb

But make the case sanely with real evidence, please.

You can find places to live that are nice, friendly to someone older than 25-30, and at least sanely priced.

These terms sound scary but so long as they are enforced sanely there should be no problem.

Do you want to bring the system up safely and sanely, accounting for things like hotplugged disks in /etc/fstab?

It's got one working compiler backend that isn't packaged sanely anywhere.

He goes back to 1987 and talks about problems in 1987 about difficulties in sanely doing text processing then.

Properly configured, and sanely built, Apache can easily perform as well as nginx or lighttpd.

Taking sides in that is a terrible move - they need to support their employees rights to respond sanely without taking sides.

If you wish to get something done faster, with little effort, sanely with little bugs in say over a weekend, You have little alternatives apart from Perl.

Granted I don't use Linux for laptops generally but power management should be something any OS does somewhat sanely.

And, further, the way it's implemented is an insanely stupid horrible pain in the ***. I really like IE10 for tablet browsing: it's very fast, it has outstanding touch support, and it's actually a great rendering engine.

There are a number of practical situations where people will happily, sanely support reductions in liberty to gain other benefits.

I would have liked to see a rationale for using virtualenv and all this python-only stuff, when rpm/apt/msi had more mature tools and would have given sysadmins a unified sanely manageable view of what's deployed and their cross-language dependencies.

[3]Well, thats what you get for becoming less and less competitive and instead extending bureaucracy more and more to accommodate more and more public officers, paid for by cheap credits, assumed to be backed by more sanely operating economies.

FUD: # remove package, its dependents _and_ purge config files aptitude purge # purge config files from items that were removed but not purged aptitude purge ~c And, to play *****'s advocate the other way around, because Debian's tools are not sandboxed, they can inter-operate sanely.

Sanely definitions


with good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner; "he acted sensibly in the crisis"; "speak more sanely about these affairs"; "acted quite reasonably"

See also: sensibly reasonably


in a sane or lucid manner; "she is behaving rather sanely these days even though we know she is schizophrenic"