Sensibly in a sentence as an adverb

Just - make them feel better, then do what you sensibly can.

The max comment is sensibly ignored as a potential outlier.

In this case making an effort in investing your money sensibly will lead to an extra 22k every year.

Neither is dealing sensibly with a friend or colleague who participated.

Here are a few of the many, many reasons why this quote cannot be applied to sensibly designed pieces of systems software:1.

Secondly the clock had drifted by about 5 days so use ntp. Thirdly, don't assume that if you leave something that it'll be sensibly secure in a few years so they need to be kept religiously up to date.

So it was going to take a while, no matter what, for us to sensibly deprecate those Python versions without just throwing a bunch of our users under a bus.

In this way, it upholds the traditional framework of the law while allowing it to be sensibly applied to new developments.

But if you've got 100 customers paying $100k/year to renew support, that's $10m in basically guaranteed revenue, which means that now you've got some breathing room to plan and grow sensibly.

He thinks, quite sensibly sometimes, that it is the executive branch's job to deal with national security issues and such issues only become his concern when they violate the law.

So you'll still need some reference to figure out when they will probably start their workday, when they'll probably break for lunch or go home for dinner, etc.. But how can you refer to those times sensibly without using times?

The lesson here is not that lifetime-for-fixed-up-front is inherently idiotic but that it must be sensibly discounted.

And on the other hand you have dead simple basically 60 year old engineering that is just put together sensibly, flown within a familiar flight envelope in a way that minimizes risk and iteratively improved to continuously shave off operating costs.

Every keyboard now has a set of hardware arrowkeys sensibly arranged in an inverted-T, where up means up, left means left, etc. Since everyone is used to that arrangement without any mental effort, macho vim types tell you to force yourself to write with your feet basically to show how hardcore you are.

Sensibly definitions


with good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner; "he acted sensibly in the crisis"; "speak more sanely about these affairs"; "acted quite reasonably"

See also: sanely reasonably