Robe in a sentence as a noun

Retire doesn't have to mean slippers, robe and couch.

"Oh, look, the wizard dropped yet another robe.

To them, it's all magic, and anyone with a convincing robe and wizard hat is equally competent.

I could warp anywhere and got to choose special colours of clothing and had this awesome counselor robe.

Robe in a sentence as a verb

The driver, clad in a robe colored the softest of white, floated towards me on the cool fog of a hundred fire extinguishers.

On the other hand, there are many games that do just that, so your view is clearly commercially viable.> "Oh, look, the wizard dropped yet another robe.

Would you just not bother claiming VAT-exempt status for your business because it's a measly 5%?A fringe here and a fringe there and pretty soon you have a whole robe.

I saw a thing on TV once where some religious historian lady was pointing out how the robe enclosing god as he reaches out to adam resembles the human brain in cross section.

Robe definitions


any loose flowing garment


outerwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions

See also: gown


clothe formally; especially in ecclesiastical robes

See also: vest


cover as if with clothing; "the mountain was clothed in tropical trees"

See also: clothe cloak drape