Gown in a sentence as a noun

That's a translucent gown over a red shirt, not a gown covered in blood.

Once vetted they are given a cap and gown that they must wear while committing their edits.

" He pushed his hands into the pocket of his dressing gown and looked knowledgeably into the distance.

Friends of mine are always talking about how the quality of comments has gown downhill on Hacker News, and your comment is proof.

But surely the wedding gown worn by a British Monarch who is widely known for her fashion sense is at least as relevant to the world at large.

If we ever see the dystopian future of a detached gown-wearing overclass, it will come from SoCal.

Gown in a sentence as a verb

This reminds me about bosses of incumbent French telcos when Free launched at a third of their prices for a better plan: "this is terrible, our margins will go gown!

The widow shows individuality in dress and the gown she wore to please the baron's eye was black with red satin trimmings, Mrs. Stadia is employed as dressmaker bu B. Danle's, the ladies' tailor.

For those unfamiliar with Indian advertising, such billboards will typically feature a photo of a white lady doing yoga or perhaps in an evening gown.

The purple sorbet in cut glass he was serving tumbled onto the expensive white gown of an obviously rich and important woman... Thirty years have passed, but Odland can’t get the stain out of his mind, nor the woman’s kind reaction.

Harvard educates the world, and you'd rather their mission be a way "improve town-gown relations, by convincing locals to not perceive Harvard as "the other"Seems completely unfounded, and yes, categorically elitist.

… Then, at an especially bleak moment, the door flew open and in hurried a squat fellow with a blue scrub hat and a yellow surgical gown and glasses, speaking in a Russian accent.” The man announced that he was a proctologist and was going to perform a ****** exam on Reeve.

Gown definitions


a woman's dress, usually with a close-fitting bodice and a long flared skirt, often worn on formal occasions


the members of a university as distinguished from the other residents of the town in which the university is located; "the relations between town and gown are always sensitive"


lingerie consisting of a loose dress designed to be worn in bed by women

See also: nightgown nightie night-robe nightdress


protective garment worn by surgeons during operations

See also: scrubs


outerwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions

See also: robe


dress in a gown