Cloak in a sentence as a noun

We don't need to implement FCF to get our restricted content into Google, we simply cloak!

ShrugThere really is no story here which makes the cloak and dagger theories even more funny.

But if you'd like to try it sooner, drop me a line [davepeck at getcloak dot com] and I'll send you a special HN invite code.

The free software manifesto is great and it isn't packaged in a cloak of easily-dismissed looniness.

We recently discovered that people are abusing our infrastructure to cloak links to pages delivering malware.

Remember how slimy it was, and how Google penalized it several times, as it tried various other ways to cloak its content?Well ... Google is doing exactly the same thing.

Doubly so, since Krugman is pointing out that the financial industry is using a false association with productive rich people to cloak their behavior.

> Google and Bing are pretty good at automatically canonicalizing these, but not perfectI have been meaning to blog this - this leads to cloaking exploits.

Cloak in a sentence as a verb

Obama during his candidacy was the most opposed to this cloak and dagger stuff, and then he got elected and became one of the most secretive presidents ever.

So to make the thought experiment work the cat's imaginary box has to be a cloaking device, a box that permits no interaction with the outside world until it is "opened".

I really want to believe it works, but this cloak and dagger stuff is killing me. Anonymous customer, technical glitch preventing it from generating the advertised megawatt, connected power cable?

If you have Shroedinger's imaginary box you don't need an additional set of imaginary time-cloaking lenses.

It is unfortunate that many young tech companies, in an effort to differentiate themselves, work to invent a new term and cloak it with the appearance of a movement or industry trend.

But whether it’s familiarity, laziness or simple stubbornness dressed in a cloak of Ayn Randian Objectivism, the time has come to move on, commrade [sic...go deep in this pun, it is layered].Using corp mail from the Y Mail web interface is remarkably feature rich.

But whether it’s familiarity, laziness or simple stubbornness dressed in a cloak of Ayn Randian Objectivism, the time has come to move on, commrade [sic...go deep in this pun, it is layered].\nUsing corp mail from the Y Mail web interface is remarkably feature rich.

I would personally prefer they stopped feeding the Snowden soap opera and focused instead on meaningful policy and governance questions, such as:* did Congress intend to authorize warrantless surveillance when it passed the legislation being used by the NSA to justify its current policies and wrap them in a cloak of legality?

Cloak definitions


anything that covers or conceals


a loose outer garment


hide under a false appearance; "He masked his disappointment"

See also: dissemble mask


cover as if with clothing; "the mountain was clothed in tropical trees"

See also: clothe drape robe


cover with or as if with a cloak; "cloaked monks"