Revitalisation in a sentence as a noun

In your example once you have your revitalisation and all the people pay taxes to build more roads and hospitals guess who's waiting for you with a big hat to shovel all the gains in? The land speculator.

And they must employ locals in order to do that too - which has brought revitalisation to some regional areas that have gone through downturns.

A lot of research today is a revitalisation of work developed for time-shared machines.

There's a palpable revitalisation of downtown going on that has attracted lots of young professionals. I certainly expect it to stick and grow.

Or he’d be taking money from WSB and wasting it on some doomed revitalisation. Innovating while running a mature business is one of the most difficult things for companies and few succeed.

Having another round of circle-jerking will do nothing for long-term revitalisation of the economy.

Nice that the Economist is endorsing Obama, but the major problem I see with him is that he wants to make alternative Energy the cornerstone of the American economic revitalisation. I think that's wrong.

Transitions over the 20th & 21st centuries, from growth to decline to revitalisation to gentrification, and now, pandemic, areinstructive. More critically, one comes to realise that cities don't exist as some ultimate goal or end of all human progress, but as a dynamic balance between anabolic and catabolic forces: the capacity to increase production or imports of vital materials, the interactive benefits of increased interchange, and the ability to both remove and exclude noxious substances and agents, of all descriptions.

Revitalisation definitions


bringing again into activity and prominence; "the revival of trade"; "a revival of a neglected play by Moliere"; "the Gothic revival in architecture"

See also: revival resurgence revitalization revivification