Palpable in a sentence as an adjective

Much of his talks and writings revolve around very real, palpable, tangible and timely issues.

BBM is so deeply entrenched that there's a palpable backlash[1].I'd love to see some research done on the ethnography of it all.

They will not flatter us in the errors we are already committing; and their own errors, being now open and palpable, will not endanger us.

The hubris is palpable when you see the comments she made in her post, where she said things like "Yesterday the future of programming was on the line and I made myself heard.

It was the height of the cold war and the threat of nuclear holocaust, and the palpable fear about communism paled anything we see today over terrorism.

There was a constant palpable rivalry with both NYC and Southern California, a rivalry that was mostly one-directional.

Here poets are allowed to publish anything at all a sort of punishment in effect, prison without walls, without echoes, without palpable existence shadow-realm of print, or of abstract thought-world without risk or eros.

Palpable definitions


capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt; "a barely palpable dust"; "felt sudden anger in a palpable wave"; "the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton"; "a palpable lie"

See also: tangible


can be felt by palpation; "a palpable tumor"