Revitalization in a sentence as a noun

And i'm curious as to see how their revitalization campaign plays out.

Not through any fault of their own, but because of the sheer size of local revitalization needed.

About 6-7 years ago I now see the few things that were starting to come in was the beginnings of this revitalization.

Twitter got to stay; the city got to expand its revitalization of mid-market

Hopefully with much lower cost to orbit, we'll see a revitalization of the commercial launch market as well.

There needs to be a revitalization of the Yahoo staff if there is to be any success. Then you take those thousands of reinspirired/invigorated people and point them at a problem.

What we do have is a greasy, leather-palmed commitment to revitalization and a group of people you would be crazy to call 'soft.' architecturally we are a powerhouse.

Which I assume is due to revitalization of trades from the government ad campaign. Definitely something to support.

Since then it's come back in a big way, with a solid loft district, new sports and entertainment facilities, and a steady progression of rehabbing and revitalization. But there's still a number of large buildings waiting to be rehabbed.

> There's nothing cooler than seeing some run-down urban area transformed into a place that's more successful and vibrant through renovation and revitalization. This change almost always coincides with a displacement of people, esp.

Despite the revitalization of urban cores across the US, the mentality that drove the construction of these suburbs still remains. The thing that jumps into my mind is the furor over Seattle's extension of light rail into Bellevue - a high-income suburb.

This strikes me more as a proposal for a Python 4 than a revitalization of Python 3. edit: I wanted to respond to this myself, since upon rereading I no longer get the impression the proposed changes need 'break' backwards compatibility per se.

There's nothing cooler than seeing some run-down urban area transformed into a place that's more successful and vibrant through renovation and revitalization. Some people may find that the environment outpaces their income or lifestyle...

That was the instigator, and still a cultural cornerstone of the suburban lifestyle, despite the revitalization of urban America. People were fine living in apartments rather than owning a whole building to themselves - until the environment went to ****.

Lower-skilled manufacturing has had a revitalization in the US over the last couple years, but that's mostly due to things like China's currency appreciating, the price of oil remaining high, and a natural gas boom in the US. If any of that changes, those jobs will go back to China. Or Singapore, or Africa, or anywhere else where the supply of raw human capital is cheap.

I would welcome a revitalization of the rail industry in this country with open arms, but only if they do it right; after all, as a project that would likely be subsidized with tax dollars, I'd rather not pay for something that one one would use.

If we followed your logic, then there would be no such thing as neighborhood revitalization, because a revitalized neighborhood necessarily results in higher property values. Interestingly, neighborhood revitalization has a positive effect on schools, especially in reducing de facto segregation.

I can certainly appreciate the desire to make something fun, either for your personal edification, or to try to engage the constructive aspect of your community, I have to wonder: is there enough manpower left in the Perl community to handle all five-six of these revitalization efforts, while also continuing the march to Perl 6 and maintaining 25 years of backwards compatibility? The analogy to Detroit really couldn't be more apt.

When you're the man who introduced the world's most popular music player ever, followed by a complete revitalization of its flagging computer brand, and then invent a completely new product category that your competitors are breaking their necks trying to catch up to... your demands suddenly become more acceptable.

Revitalization definitions


bringing again into activity and prominence; "the revival of trade"; "a revival of a neglected play by Moliere"; "the Gothic revival in architecture"

See also: revival resurgence revitalisation revivification