Resonance in a sentence as a noun

The argument has an emotional resonance, but does it really make sense?

But the resonant property of the bridge means that the string tension corresponds to resonance.

He can go from literally cracking an egg to delivering a blow whose resonance nearly brings the building down.

Back in 1963, I was tutored in calculus by a 15-year old who won that year's Science Talent Search for his research in nuclear magnetic resonance.

However, back in the way back times, if you programmed the seeks on a large disk drive you could get it to play 'music' of a sort from the resonance of the stepper motors.

Sort of the 'go kart' versus an actual car. I'm sure a lot of that is just the resonance that Orion has with the Apollo capsule from the 60's and the modern look of Dragon 2 but the difference between propulsive landing vs parachutes is huge.

PDS design issues can cause resonance and oscillations on the power planes, increase clock jitter, destroy signal integrity and timing and more.

Avoiding hypocrisy, can create a powerful resonance between the speaker's aligned actions and words.

Normally the knob tot he immediate right could control resonance, which boosts the signal around the cutoff frequency and produces an intense whistling/shrieking sound as it is turned up to maximum.

A lesson you learn quickly is that heterogeneity is your guardian angel - varying the path-finding model a little bit from agent to agent hedges against the resonance structures on display here.

After improving the experiment and double checking everything, they still didn't find anything, until they started looking further away, when suddenly, the resonance appeared.

This is probably because the adjustment of filter and resonance controls in DSP require constant recalibration of filter coefficients, which is computationally expensive and not well implemented here.

I started talking to a girl i met on there, and before we met in person i told her my theory that it would possible to trigger a standing electromagnetic wave in the earth's atmosphere if you got a bunch of people thinking in such a way that their brainwaves caused a massive schumann resonance.

Resonance definitions


an excited state of a stable particle causing a sharp maximum in the probability of absorption of electromagnetic radiation


a vibration of large amplitude produced by a relatively small vibration near the same frequency of vibration as the natural frequency of the resonating system


having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant

See also: plangency reverberance ringing sonorousness sonority vibrancy


a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people

See also: rapport


the quality imparted to voiced speech sounds by the action of the resonating chambers of the throat and mouth and nasal cavities