Trigger in a sentence as a noun

Does 'loop' handle some edge case or trigger some crufty microcode that slows things down?

My father recently died and while things like these may trigger some slight pain, that's just life.

Tldr: ""The trigger for this event was a network configuration change.

When I want to trigger push notifications, I want to do it with server-side logic, not everything running in the app.

"With all the political uproar that was going on that week it would be surprising if the FBI had not gone to the White House before pulling the trigger on the raid.

Since it was already closed, there was no trigger to go back to sleep so it would run itself dead in the bag and eventually the plastic near a hot component melted.

The k6-2 executed these very efficiently, and as the processor hit 350 mhz the speed of the processor triggered race conditions making Windows 98 crash.

Trigger in a sentence as a verb

Obviously, there are fair use laws that specify a range of situations in which making a copy doesn't trigger a corresponding obligation to pay.

Provide exactly the required input required to trigger transitions from the start to Approved then provide no other input except for such pleasantries as are proper in polite society.

I'm very positive on its ability to unlock potential, trigger insights, expand perspective, and facilitate learning, even in spite of having experienced a few bad trips.

This is no longer true as most traders are now staying out of the market due to the HFTs new strategy - sending floods of orders in an effort to trigger huge price swings just before the data gets released, also known as banging the beehive.

Given that this will likely trigger an audit and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines for you, how about we just agree to give my client what he has coming to him, and you report an inadvertent paperwork screwup to the tax authority when you pay your fair share?

Personalization tends to be a nice relevance improvement overall, but it doesn't trigger that much--when it launched, the impact was on the order of one search result above the fold for one in five search results.- personalization has much less impact than localization, which takes things like your IP address into account when determining the best search results.

But a core OEM deal involving the licensing of IP that is at the core of your company obviously warrants significant lawyer review, especially if it involves joint development efforts, sweeping indemnification clauses that might trigger major liabilities, or other complications that require sophisticated handling of IP and other rights.

Trigger definitions


lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun


a device that activates or releases or causes something to happen


an act that sets in motion some course of events

See also: induction initiation


put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"

See also: trip actuate activate spark


release or pull the trigger on; "Trigger a gun"