Renovation in a sentence as a noun

Every $1 per square foot of renovation is a lot of money.

I recently spent 2 days working on a renovation project at a local slum here in Hungary.

But the guy/girl starting on their first renovation or garden are practically begging you to take their money.

They may have purchased it for half that or less and did significant personal renovation to raise its value.

This is the equivalent of my sending my family concept sketches of my kitchen renovation.

Often when a renovation or rebuild happens, they can add access, but then the owners try to mask the access as much as possible.

I am totally fascinated by the concept of a $100k kitchen renovation.

If I hire a person to do some renovation in my home, the tax office pays half of the fee directly to them and I get a deduction as well.

And for some reason, they feel that campus renewal and renovation construction projects are the secret to mastering them.

This would incentivize change, and renovation of an area instead of static dead content that persists forever.

That doesn't mean a new kind of hammer has to come out of a particular kitchen renovation, or a new kind of detergent has to come out of a single load of laundry.

The local voters haven't rejected a general levy in many years, although they did reject a capital levy for a renovation to combine two schools.

I'm currently a student at a public university, where we just finished a multi-million dollar renovation of our five-story library.

Administrators these days make frankly irresponsible amounts of money, schools purchase expensive and unnecessary equipment to have a selling point for certain departments, and construction/renovation is everywhere.

Renovation definitions


the act of improving by renewing and restoring; "they are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property"; "a major overhal of the healthcare system was proposed"

See also: redevelopment overhaul


the state of being restored to its former good condition; "the inn was a renovation of a Colonial house"

See also: restoration refurbishment