Overhaul in a sentence as a noun

HN does not need any major overhaul or whatever else.

But this needs a major overhaul of the mentality in the country.

I had to look at the pre-overhaul image to get a reminder of what I was supposed to be doing at this screen.

Users need to be more encouraged to review apps and the review process itself needs to be overhauled.

I was so excited to see this headline specifically because I hoped they would be doing a UI overhaul.

Overhaul in a sentence as a verb

The patent system clearly fosters innovation and clearly doesn't need an overhaul.

We are talking about a major architectural overhaul.

[2] It is unreasonable to think that this plane could make it to the market for under $200,000, and its hourly operational costs when you factor in engine overhaul will be around $50.

A few months ago the HK high court ruled that the process for applying for asylum needs overhaul, and until that happens all extradition proceedings for asylum seekers are on hold.

Some of the lawmakers wouldn't overhaul patent law even if you had a global supply of universal replicators that were powered only by the sound of happy laughter.

Overhaul definitions


periodic maintenance on a car or machine; "it was time for an overhaul on the tractor"

See also: service


the act of improving by renewing and restoring; "they are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property"; "a major overhal of the healthcare system was proposed"

See also: renovation redevelopment


travel past; "The sports car passed all the trucks"

See also: pass overtake


make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to; "You should overhaul your car engine"; "overhaul the health care system"

See also: modernize modernise