Spirograph in a sentence as a noun

What use is a tool like a spirograph if you can't use the output freely?

If you used a spirograph to create art, you would own the copyright.

I had a spirograph as a kid and this brought back a lot of memories.

This looks like it was designed with a spirograph back in 1970. also, it looks like kim kardashian's ***, or a paperclip

Seemed like the rendered spirograph got into the relevant frequency range.

In 76 we had a graphics display with a printer at the UofIowa; we made all sorts of interesting spirograph-style plots.

The only difference between the spirograph and the robot is you are touching the spirograph while it's operating.

If you created a spirograph that was robot controlled and could automatically create art then nobody would own the copyright.

Spirograph definitions


a measuring instrument for recording the depth and rapidity of breathing movements