Rarely in a sentence as an adverb

I have rarely eaten lunch with my work mates. Just a few reasons why: 1.

People that never take a risk rarely end up in great places in life. You took a risk, it hasn't worked out so far.

The news rarely people with my point of view on it. The games I like to play are rarely made and instead it's CoD 143.

Fingleton has rarely taken this view into account.

But the mental health of founders is a real issue and rarely discussed. Maybe there should be a more open discussion about this issue.

People can and do work at some discount in order to work on things they think are important, but it rarely stretches as much as 10x. I expect most workers either don't care or can't afford to.

Once you decide to be frugal, you'll probably be stuck that way for life because you'll rarely be in position to take advantage of those opportunities that would break the cycle. If that works for you, fine.

He rarely is the first to step out, but is a lot better at capturing mood and opinion and then amplifying it. He can also put his finger on what is wrong and what is right - and Angelgate was an example of that.

A guy swoops in, who probably will rarely use this beach/vacation home, buys up the land, and closes off access. Attempts to "hack" the legal system through a loophole to achieve an exception to the state wide public beach system.

But in both spaces these designs rarely get implemented, much less reach production. The reason is that the domain details are so extensive and difficult that almost nobody can get past them.

Compare the great essayists to lowly part-time bloggers: the difference rarely boils down to just ideas. Delivery matters.

They equate how awesome their code is by how much they make, but rarely have any idea of what other people's code is like. Honey, if all you can make from your corrupt financial masters is $500k while they make billions and trillions then you're not a very good coder.

In the coverage of our industry as a whole, youll rarely see stories about treating customers well, about people building a sustainable business. TechCrunch to me is the great place to look to see the sickness in our industry right now."

Professors rarely bat an eye when the entire class turns in the same work. By comparison, in America, plagiarism is looked down upon and stigmatized from as early as the start of elementary school.

Firefox is a great browser, but reading the OP's last paragraphs, users rarely choose software for quality alone. The most popular alternatives to Firefox are Google's Chrome and Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

I find linkedin is the most useful social network I'm a part of, even though I rarely visit it. I have made many professional connections, and linkedin aggregates them nicely and I find the periodic emails of people getting new jobs or new titles to be very interesting.

Institutions that have had widespread unchallenged corruption for decades rarely need keyhole surgery, they need amputations.

This isn't because we have lots of horrible proposals coming to us or because we're grouchy old academics; it's because even if we like the general idea behind something, the precise details are rarely perfect. It's very rare for us to actually vote against something, and even proposals being withdrawn are rare; but there are a great many ideas which are changed -- and hopefully improved -- as a result of the criticisms they receive.

Rarely definitions


not often; "we rarely met"

See also: seldom