Seldom in a sentence as an adverb

This is common knowledge; we're all trying to do good work despite JavaScript, seldom because of it. So Node: it's fast, we can share code with the browser, but it's a ***** to use.

This idea is an article of faith for Republicans, and seldom challenged by Democrats, and has indeed shaped much of the economic landscape." The first line of his talk is a bit fluffy, but I don't see anything else here that isn't objectively true.

I seldom comment on HN, and when I do I typically do so in threads that are somewhat dormant, with little activity. I don't really care about karma/votes at all, I just say something when I think I have something of value to add.

Yes, that sucks, but hard lessons seldom have pleasant consequences. If you want to stop a lot of wealth accumulating at the top end of the pyramid, by all means break up banking cartels and break the ties between legislators and big business, you won't get many arguments from most people.

I was going to say something snarky, but I checked your comment history and it seems you are on here seldom enough to explain an honest lack of knowledge about them. Basically, LulzSec is a hacking group that has been attacking many targets very publicly over the past 2 months.

Moreover, to be really certain that a program is correct, you have to test it for all possible input values, but this is seldom feasible. This statement is tantamount to saying "you don't merely need to prove Fermat's Last Theorem, you also have to test it for all possible input values".

However, I might note that this approach is easy because it seldom accomplishes disruptive change. If you want to really disrupt a market or community, you will often face difficulty, incredulity, ridicule, and unfair play.

But Ive seldom heard a usability expert end a discourse on human factors by acknowledging that graphical systems are only really the best solution for a certain group of people or a particular set of tasks. Most take the graphical desktop as ground truth its just the way we do things.

Fundamental innovation is a lot like infrastructure -- something else free market players seldom invest in. This is a problem for today's generation of enthusiastic free-market proponents.

The author explains how to patch the Linux kernel by overwriting an obscure, seldom-used error message string, and provides sample code for a simple kernel patch that will listen for IP packets with an unused protocol number and run any payload delivered via them on a Linux shell with root privileges. It's scary how straightforward this looks.

Developer estimates are regularly off because they seldom impact the developer directly. Experienced development managers will pad the **** out of the developers who give them the worst estimates.

We seldom acknowledge it but I think the truth of the matter is that a lot of people become entrepreneurs because they want the recognition, the fame and the status. As silly as it is, taking VC money gives you that in a way that is much harder to achieve with actual tangible success. You might be killing it with your product but carefully explaining your company metrics to someone over dinner is seldom more impactful than saying you took $10M from Andreeson-Horrowitz.

In digital mediawebsites in particularnews outlets seldom if ever treat content with any sort of dignity and most news sites are wedded to a broken profit model that compels them to present a nearly unusable mishmash of pink noisewhich they call content. Actually that "broken profit model" isn't broken for some but thats another argument.

Assange's seldom mentioned manifesto[1] talks about the goal of making secrecy impossible by making the secret systems either completely disconnected from the real world, or so liable to leaking that they are no longer secret. It's difficult imagining that goal being completely achieved, but it is interesting how closely the Snowden story matched Assange's thoughts.

Yes it can of course be frustrating if the speaker omitted something important or just should clarify something but even in those cases it is seldom the case that such issues would even surface during an Q:A. Yes, an Q:A with insightful questions could spark a really interesting discussion and really take the whole talk to the next level - but that is so seldom the case that it just can't be worth it, yet everyone insists on these Q:As.

Seldom definitions


not often; "we rarely met"

See also: rarely