Purebred in a sentence as a noun

Apples don’t “breed true” or in other words there aren’t any “purebred” apples.

This author sounds to me as though he is complaining that his free pony is dappled, not purebred.

The idea that only horrible monsters will result is silly; its how all purebred farm animals are created.

I just recently got a purebred ragdoll...beautiful coat and bred to be extra affectionate.

Purebred in a sentence as an adjective

One positive side effect is that you can still get rescue mutts that exhibit positive qualities of breeds while also being much healthier than if it were a purebred.

Population genetics is the tool that exposes the fallacy of purebred dogs and, hopefully, it can also be the tool with which the canine species is revitalized.

...and that relates to purebred beef cattle, how?I imagine there are far more useful things to worry about in the American diet, than subtle differences between a single strain of pork muscle vs which strain of angus they're eating.

If you were going to force me to wager on who becomes a success or changes the world more, I would put my money on an okay developer with a strong business sense, basic understanding of Minimalist/Gestalt design principles, or thorough understanding of a problem domain where technology has not been fully brought to bear over a purebred great developer any day.

Purebred definitions


a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage; used especially of horses

See also: thoroughbred pureblood


bred for many generations from member of a recognized breed or strain