Thoroughbred in a sentence as a noun

Google is more of a thoroughbred, but got stuck in the gate.

Plain Akka will cut it in many cases but it's not a thoroughbred like Erlang.

After watching horses mount each other for a while, he buys a thoroughbred foal for $20k.

I am confused if an MBA with a strong bootcamp base would be considered a thoroughbred.

You can laugh at their marketing pitch, but we should all be excited that they put a thoroughbred horse in the race.

Thoroughbred in a sentence as an adjective

You can definitely win money at the thoroughbred or harness racing track, not by picking "the best horse", but by waiting for a bet that is terrifically mispriced.

" Neither seems to have any experience whatsoever in finance, beyond Susan's penchant for dabbling in thoroughbred racehorses.

Even if it means fluffing up an octogenarian with a visual deteriorating memory function against a thoroughbred Arabian horse in the race.

But two decades later, it's still pretty unfriendly, and a there's still a lot of command-line snobbery that seems dedicated to preserving this unintentional but obsolete obscurantism, like thoroughbred horse breeders who refuse to acknowledge the market's preference for cars and bicycles.

Thoroughbred definitions


a well-bred person


a racehorse belonging to a breed that originated from a cross between Arabian stallions and English mares


a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage; used especially of horses

See also: purebred pureblood


having a list of ancestors as proof of being a purebred animal

See also: pedigreed pureblood pureblooded