Provocation in a sentence as a noun

It was not in fact a provocation to harm the author.

Maybe a little immature, but there was a mild provocation.

Cars really do not just burst into flames with the slightest provocation, like in movies.

It's a provocation, which is also a perfectly valid way to start a debate, but it does set the tone.

Instead, you are calling people terrible names and picking on grammar, without provocation.

I would not act to antagonize them absent substantial provocation.

Deliberate provocation skips the "test" portion of that pattern, opting instead for style over substance.

There is no provocation here, no immediate danger, no incitement to violence.

In anything, you wonder why the Soviets took so long responding to the growing threat posed - without serious provocation - by the Americans.

The mention of alleged provocation of the head of intelligence by his minions firing rockets from the Syrian side into Turkish side is correct.

And so those reasons include:* The Taliban is likely to **** Afghans with minimal provocation, having done so on innumerable occasions in the past.

This obviously has larger cultural and political implications and thus the PirateBox also serves as an artistic provocation.

It's a sad situation, and the officer never should have fired his sidearm at the dog, but to be fair to them, they didn't just shoot the dog with no provocation - the dog lunges 2 or 3 times at the officers with clear aggressive intent before it's shot.

PS. I believe they obtained the pieces by invading Beijing... on the then Qing dynasty government's ever-so-serious provocation of refusing to issue free trading rights to foreign nations, in England's case mostly to distribute vast quantities of cut-rate opium produced in slave-like conditions by its Indian subjects to the Chinese population.

That seems like an oddly strong reaction to this thread?Given that you responded in such a dramatic fashion to something that genuinely didn't involve you in any way whatsoever, why are you criticizing Zed for reacting strongly to a far greater provocation?

The provocation was worse-- the casual assumption of lack of integrity, after this whole useless subthread started with someone deliberately misinterpreting his use of "ambivalent" and then trying to pull the if-you're-not-with-us-you're-against-us trick.

If a guy goes around tossing beers in peoples' faces in bars and occasionally catches a beat down, I don't think it would be victim blaming to state that, 'Hey, maybe if he didn't throw beer in peoples' faces he wouldn't catch beat downs'.It doesn't mean anyone is condoning violent responses to provocation, just stating the role that the instigator played a role in the incident.

Provocation definitions


unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment

See also: aggravation irritation


something that incites or provokes; a means of arousing or stirring to action

See also: incitement incitation


needed encouragement; "the result was a provocation of vigorous investigation"

See also: incitement