Incitement in a sentence as a noun

To make into a discipline is to give too large a role to what is only an incitement.

But what of X as incitement, or unpopular opinion?

You might consider hooking the rest of us up with some actual knowledge, rather than a vague incitement to "do research" on "forums.

There is no provocation here, no immediate danger, no incitement to violence.

It's a rhetorical question using essentially the White Houses "incitement" argument.

I'm not sure that the mere presentation of offensive material is enough to trigger the 'incitement to violence' limitation.

Which is better, reaching a large audience with mild incitement which is tolerated by the censors, or being able to be as provocative as you wish, but remaining unread?

All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

However, the rules about aiding and abetting/incitement should also apply, so if you run a site promoting illegal behaviour or you knowingly allow your site to be used for illegal activities without taking reasonable steps to try to prevent it, you're on the hook as well.

Their decision that they "would exclude from prisoner of conscience status not only people who have used or advocated violence, but also people who are imprisoned for having advocated national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.

We're talking well beyond just ad hominem attacks and insults - many a blogger have been entirely silenced from blogging due to personal threats, mob outrage, incitement, and simply inhuman levels of anonymous cruelty that, prior to the internet, were the sole territory of deranged psychopaths.> "He espoused his opinion, and then a whole bunch of other people espoused theirs.

Incitement definitions


an act of urging on or spurring on or rousing to action or instigating; "the incitement of mutiny"

See also: incitation


needed encouragement; "the result was a provocation of vigorous investigation"

See also: provocation


something that incites or provokes; a means of arousing or stirring to action

See also: incitation provocation


the act of exhorting; an earnest attempt at persuasion

See also: exhortation