Aggravation in a sentence as a noun

The stress, overwork, aggravation and frustration and sleepless nights is just simply not worth it.

I'm proud of the result, but the aggravation and frustration that entailed has removed any desire I have to move to Python 3.

It's hard to turn away any business, but if you screen for "How is this person to do business with" it can save aggravation along the way.

Every minute we spend dealing with this nonsense is a minute of lost productivity and a minute of aggravation.

This isn't a novel challenge for the criminal code; other offenses have more reasonable sentencing and "aggravation" elements as well.

The quality of PCI security audits is a continual aggravation to everyone I routinely talk to in my industry.

If taxes weren't a hassle, their movements would lose an important emotional touchstone that fuels many people's aggravation against the government.

If I can just type the product in and know which stores have it, that saves me a ton of aggravation -- and might, as a byproduct, mean I do some other shopping at that store instead of my normal place.

I have known several women with non-hormonal IUDs, and they all have reported the side-effect of mild-to-extreme aggravation of menstrual cramping.

These meta posts, the how to vote posts, the discussion here and in other threads, the lamenting about comment quality in general: all of this aggravation is dancing around the central issue, which is low-karma users turning Hacker News into something that the high-karma users do not want.

- that the alleged copyright infringement caused medical harm: "[i]n having to deal with the violation of my copyright, I have experienced aggravation of the then arthritis in my right hip, which resulted in excess pain in the hip and leg and a decrease in the range of motion in my leg and hip.

Saw the words "my store" and realized that in all likelihood I'd have to type out my entire credit card number, billing address, email address, potentially create a password, and came to the conclusion that that level of immediate aggravation would offset the potential of saving me future aggravation.

Aggravation definitions


an exasperated feeling of annoyance

See also: exasperation


unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment

See also: irritation provocation


action that makes a problem or a disease (or its symptoms) worse; "the aggravation of her condition resulted from lack of care"

See also: exacerbation