Provincialism in a sentence as a noun

We could have been using what as a stepping stone to why, but our own provincialism as statisticians prevented us. I hope now we are learning to do better.

Nice weather though, and some interesting people live there out of what I assume is inertia and provincialism.

The very fact that Drupal folks prefer to live in their own isolated code community could indicate a degree of provincialism.

Stop the provincialism and the bemoaning of the illegitimate successors.

Amazing even in this modern era how much of culture revolves around mythology and provincialism.

It is because of a provincialism and incentives resulting in the culture of "bringing home the bacon" selfishly seeking local benefits without regards to their impact on others.

The social welfare system is more attractive than ever, but the provincialism, the we-are-the-best attitude, and the subtle and overt xenophobia is staggering.

There should be a term for this sort of error, in which one notices that some phenomenon isn't necessarily universal and then condemns the provincialism of those who think it is common, when in fact the phenomenon in question happens to be quite common.

... While Gretchen is baffled by the small town's provincialism, it pales next to the weird household her new hsuband has assembled, which includes a handyman/mystic and his arthritic niece, and a stolidly Tueutonic housekeeper determined to keep the first Mrs. Dambar's memory alive...."When you bring the camera in that close, discarding heroic romance and other popular tropes, you find yourself competing with some insanely good writers.

Provincialism definitions


a lack of sophistication


a partiality for some particular place

See also: sectionalism localism