Localism in a sentence as a noun

What caught me was the localism - stunning

This misses the philosophy which I have been told is behind craiglist's behavior: a sort of extreme localism.

In some cases, localism does triumph even without very heavy handed censorship.

Aristotelian theory thus supports localism and local culture in ways that the theories of folks like Locke, Hobbes, and Hume do not.

My localism is driven by more than simply C02 math, however--it's about community and supporting people I can know.

They were two decades ahead of the "localism" and "direct democracy" ideologies, and with a far better understanding of the maths.

Really I have come to the conclusion that "localism" is essentially the socially acceptable outlet for left leaning xenophobic personalities.

The result of this isn't a utopia of good government and sound policy, it's an orgy of hyper-localism.>Political parties are organized, for better and for worse, around clashing visions of what's better for America.

You are confusing localism, self-determination and subsidiary with libertarianism.

Localism definitions


a phrase or pronunciation that is peculiar to a particular locality


a partiality for some particular place

See also: sectionalism provincialism