Proclamation in a sentence as a noun

Call me a nut job if you want but we are all just a proclamation away from being "domestic terrorists".

Maybe the 2nd amendment is wrong, or a bad idea, or a 200 year old proclamation that is no longer relevant in modern times?

Pardon my rudeness here but who the **** are you to make a proclamation that "Save As" has always been "dangerous and ridiculous".

So I think your "ten-foot pole" proclamation is a little unjustifiable.

There isn't a single piece of substance in what you just said, just a bunch of vague proclamation and accusations about "public brainwashing" by the "MSM".

For what it's worth, I help to organize a fairly active Ruby group, and I am certain that, if not zero, nearly zero of us would make this proclamation.

However, Bloomberg wasn't making a mathematical proclamation, he was telling people when they could get gas after their house was demolished.

I don't roll with Chromebook, so not really relevant in this case, but it's interesting how frequently StatCounter is used to make some proclamation or other with no one ever questioning what their coverage is.

It's like we're trying to convince one of King Canute's advisers that a more strongly-worded rebuke will not, in fact, turn back the tide that's swallowing up their property and they're stubbornly holding their breath, waiting for a proclamation that works.

You make comparative value judgments here whether you acknowledge it or not: to make an ethical proclamation saying environments are "priceless" is to simultaneously value human labor as worthless.

Advocates of GPL would say that there will always be more end users than developers, and that their freedoms are porbably more important anyway, so the GPL provides more essential "freedom", even as it is actively defined in a way that "restricts freedom", in the same way as we usually like to think the emancipation proclamation brought "freedom" even though it really was stating that slave owners had to give up some freedom: its all about perspective.

Proclamation definitions


a formal public statement; "the government made an announcement about changes in the drug war"; "a declaration of independence"

See also: announcement annunciation declaration


the formal act of proclaiming; giving public notice; "his promulgation of the policy proved to be premature"

See also: promulgation