Promulgation in a sentence as a noun

I think Casey's attitude may be pushback against the promulgation of poor OOP practices.

The other issue not dealt with in any of these articles is the promulgation and inciting of a new form of hate.

Unfortunately most people are mercantilist and opposed to the promulgation of global standards that would be required to make this work.

A Cathedral is great for encouraging apprenticeships, the promulgation of culture and so on.

Likewise, a over promulgation of workers in finance is suggestive that maybe there is some non-free-market force is incentivising individuals to go into that field...

Until 19th century promulgation of corporations mainly families, governments and religions could own property.

Because the accidents occurred before the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and because the substance was acquired by the clinic and not by the individual owners, the court could not declare the owners of IGR liable.

Although, important to note that while Xerox invented GUIs, they were about to trash the project before Apple stepped in and nurtured it. Speculation about what would have happened if they didn't do this is mostly meaningless, but disregarding the promulgation and popularization of GUIs in lieu of crediting only their original inventor is totally unfair.

Banning the ***** liberals and black people used wasn't just a way to get a bunch of quick and easy felony convictions on his political opponents, it was a way to arguably ban the promulgation of competing political views altogether.

Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body.

Add up the cost of traffic enforcement and rule promulgation; consider the role of red light cameras, radar guns, in-car breathalysers, and various other tools, and the economic imposition of both fines and things like license suspensions and mandatory declarations.

However, from this standpoint, I do not see a significant step forward; rather, I see the promulgation of what are mostly "vanity" features that offer limited additional value for study and learning over traditional tools, and which are often styled with a certain kind of eyecandy that I personally find distracting and detrimental in productive contexts.

> Why should Google's product roadmap be subject to a consensus of their competitors?...because they're attempting to shape standards around their product roadmap, in committees in which their competitors also participate?You can tell your competitors to go **** themselves and do whatever you want with your roadmap, or you can make standards promulgation and compliance a part of your roadmap, but you don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

Promulgation definitions


a public statement containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen; "the announcement appeared in the local newspaper"; "the promulgation was written in English"

See also: announcement


the official announcement of a new law or ordinance whereby the law or ordinance is put into effect


the formal act of proclaiming; giving public notice; "his promulgation of the policy proved to be premature"

See also: proclamation