Declaration in a sentence as a noun

In the same way, Clojure gets rid of imperative iteration in favor of declaration.

From the ietf mailing list: "The declaration says that Nokia is not prepared to license the listed patents for RFC 6386 under any terms.

But it makes me a bit uncomfortable to see a declaration like "we're definitely not going to try building anything with it!

IP Nav was worried that as soon as we found out what their patents and claims actually were, Rackspace would sue to invalidate their patents or for a declaration that Rackspace does not infringe.

The developers of WebKit added the prefix -webkit to the experimental stylesheet declarations.

The type checker will warn you when you have a type declaration that appears to be incorrect, and will optimized based on these declarations, but will not keep you from running code that violates a type-check.

Many other benefits came about from using a non-interning reader, and interning only on definition/declaration.

"So long as the specific code used to implement a method is different, anyone is free under the Copyright Act to write his or her own code to carry out exactly the same function or specification of any methods used in the Java API. It does not matter that the declaration or method header lines are identical.

This is fine, I've never fault a programmer for writing less-than-optimal code, but often programmers tend to contribute their voices to the chorus of "Canvas is slow", regardless of looking for fault prior to their declaration.

Declaration definitions


a statement that is emphatic and explicit (spoken or written)


(law) unsworn statement that can be admitted in evidence in a legal transaction; "his declaration of innocence"


a statement of taxable goods or of dutiable properties


(contract bridge) the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make

See also: contract


a formal public statement; "the government made an announcement about changes in the drug war"; "a declaration of independence"

See also: announcement proclamation annunciation


a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote

See also: resolution resolve