Prance in a sentence as a noun

He put his kids in gas masks and had them prance around with a big sign.

No need to prance to defense of the mods when they miss something.

They got to prance around with an imagined importance when they could squeeze the oil spigot, but Those days are long gone.

People should learn economics, not prance around saying things they think an economist would say.

If I offer you $1 to prance around like a monkey, then I've offered you an incentive to prance around like a monkey.

The spell effect makes it impossible for the subject to do anything other than caper and prance in place.

No matter what someone writes you'll find a way to argue into it being wrong and then prance around declaring "victory".

Prance in a sentence as a verb

How can you defend someone who repeatedly vandalises a public space just so he can prance around a cell and say how horrible it is?

Though you probably wouldnt prance about naked or insult people to their face, youd feel comfortable dressing down or trading off-colour jokes.

He lets his supposed "rival" Juan Guaido prance about the country unmolested so all Venezuelans can laugh at the impotence of CIA.

The police are so "brutal" that they have let the would-be coup leader and CIA contractor Juan Gauido prance about the nation unmolested for a couple of years now. How many poor black Venezuelans have died under the knees of Venezuelan cops in the last month?

Certainly not I. But there is a line somewhere between "biased reporting" and "juvenile pandering" that I keep seeing sites prance back and forth over, perennially indecisive about whether they want to be real grown-up news or not, to the detriment of the whole enterprise.

I was vindicated in my choice yesterday when somebody forgot to pay off the credit card and the jetbrains license payment bounced, so nobody could work because their pycharm locked them out. I get why people love pycharm though, it does a good job, but I always felt like it was such a pig. Plus you can write some hairy code because the IDE will just let you prance through it without a care in the world.

Its very unusual for a spouse to prance around any organisation handing out directives/advice.\nMaybe its a sign that the founder in question doesn't have the people skills to handle her possibly dominant personality.

Prance definitions


a proud stiff pompous gait

See also: strut swagger


to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others; "He struts around like a rooster in a hen house"

See also: tittup swagger ruffle strut sashay cock


spring forward on the hind legs; "The young horse was prancing in the meadow"


cause (a horse) to bound spring forward


ride a horse such that it springs and bounds forward