Cock in a sentence as a noun

I'm busy helping people while you're busy calling me a cock.

And their SC2 team can suck a big ******-infested cock.

"Do they even have cocktail parties in Japan?

You walk around like the cock of the walk, blurting out whatever little thought crosses your mind.

Not fun - especially when you make a cock up and the friend calls you to say they are a bit let down.

Man, I was hoping it was a cock up, but having looked now, and looked through past days, I'm really doubting it.

They company has to be run by a people person-- so at the cocktail parties he[3] can network with other people!

Well it's a different kind of thing to say "I think you're a cock" vs "Hey I think you're doing this wrong - I'd do this and that to improve".

And while we're here, "***********" is not an insult, and my fellow gay hackers and I would prefer if you didn't use it as one.

Cock in a sentence as a verb

Now you're doing a lot more operations, on less-reliable intel, and the risk of cock-ups rises significantly.

Yes, it is a cock up of grand proportions to allow Iranian money anywhere close to your American subsidiary.

I have no idea if he is a bullying cock or not, but his personal website is a spectacular artifact of narcissistic douchebaggery.

This is not how you tell people you don't like 'meanness'.Over the years here and before I started commenting people called me a **********, cock, *******, douchebag, and every mean *** thing you can imagine.

It was a very effective stunt for covering for the cock-up, and establishing them in peoples' minds as a genuine luxury brand rather than a badge-engineering exercise.

I mean, never invest in a company run by a programmer, they'll spend all their time delighting in some technical solution that's super elegant but nobody at any cocktail party is going to give a damn about!

If he was really looking out for you, he'd also mention that this ammunition has significantly reduced range and stopping power, and probably does not have enough operating pressure to reliably cycle your automatic-- meaning you need to cock your gun every other shot like Jack Bauer.

You'll call me a cock, and then I'll rip you in half verbally, and then you'll forget that you called me a cock and go off telling everyone I'm such a big bad bullying meanie for all the horrible awful things I said to you, and then I'll be crushed by the general opinion all you highly influential meaningful people have about me that I'll...Wait, actually I don't give a **** what you think.

Cock definitions


obscene terms for penis

See also: prick dick shaft pecker peter tool putz


faucet consisting of a rotating device for regulating flow of a liquid

See also: stopcock turncock


the part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulled

See also: hammer


adult male chicken

See also: rooster


adult male bird


tilt or slant to one side; "cock one's head"


set the trigger of a firearm back for firing


to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others; "He struts around like a rooster in a hen house"

See also: tittup swagger ruffle prance strut sashay