Indecisive in a sentence as an adjective

Huge red flags:Have great ideas: indecisive and flakyChance to be CTO: Yeah right.

When I called him on it, he got indecisive about what to do and then continued driving.

If you're known to be indecisive or advertise this up front, no one who can get other investors will come to you.

Anyways, regardless of what people on here will say, you already sound like someone who is indecisive.

I feel Google's strategy is indecisive, thus leads to you and I's confusion about the tool's purpose.

Being ambivalent is also seen as a negative trait since it signifies indecisive mind.

It means an indecisive or conflicted voting population.

The point is that being indecisive doesn't lead to significantly better decisions and if you can't make decisions quickly, you won't get the very best deals.

Not impossible, but you now have to work harder than your White colleagues to overcome the stereotype that Asians are timid and indecisive.

And if your fighting is indecisive, why field large armies at great expense?The well trained, well armed foot soldiers, "man of arms" was equivalent to a Roman legionnaire and formed the basis of these armies.

But the lawsuits serve another purpose, generating news about Apple vs Samsung rather than Samsung the successful competitor vs Apple the suddenly indecisive.

The indecisiveness part is obvious - not only is not being able to hire without a trial period a mark of indecisiveness by itself, it's also a hedge against future indecisiveness in getting rid of employees that don't work out.

Indecisive definitions


characterized by lack of decision and firmness; "an indecisive manager brought the enterprise to a standstill"


not definitely settling something; "a long and indecisive war"


not clearly defined; "indecisive boundaries running through mountains"