Postpartum in a sentence as an adjective

Just wait till she get hit with postpartum depression...

True, but she'll probably use the PTO for doctor's visits and other pre/postpartum stuff.

I'd be very curious to read an analysis of postpartum depression through this lens.

That can also help avoid the post-Demo Day postpartum crash that comes with pulling a 3 month stint of nothing but work. So for us, that meant taking Saturdays off, like I mentioned in the article.

I believe there's a lot of dialogue in fitness circles from the perspective of postpartum muscle rehab already.

I’m glad to know the reason for this, as I’ve always only ever understood it in a handwavy “male postpartum depression” sort of way

For anyone wondering postpartum IUD implantation is one of the most effective forms of birth control known [1]. You catch women right after they have gone through giving birth and have a strong incentive not to have the experience again.

We ended up paying around $2k for six months of prepartum care, delivery, and six weeks of postpartum care. In the event of an emergency, insurance would've covered a hospital transfer.

At the moment career market forces have the upper hand - they can select for those who are willing to go back to the lab two weeks postpartum. If it were mandatory that all new parents had six months postpartum time off, the situation would be different.

If you want to read further, there's a whole book on the subject, called "Baby Wars" [1] It explains things like morning sickness, infidelity, postpartum depression, ****** and mate selection. Not a pleasant, happy family type read.

See post traumatic stress disorder or postpartum depression for starters. I imagine if I were suddenly facing a potential 35 years in prison, I'd be at a pretty high risk of becoming depressed.

The name reminds me of The Babadook, a critically acclaimed movie from last fall about postpartum depression / the horrors of childrearing. Not the greatest association, I'd think.

It was originally written off as postpartum symptoms or postpartum depression. By the time it was diagnosed, antibiotics were not effective.

On postpartum depression, I was looking for a condition that hits lots of women, and it was the first that popped into my mind, and the first link I found for it said 10%. Now that I look at it in more detail I find that there is disagreement on what it is and when people have it, on the frequency, and a lack of clarity on the causes.

For instance about 10% of women suffer through postpartum depression, and being a high-flying exec has no correlation with the biology behind that. Or you can wind up on bed rest if the pregnancy is difficult - and the odds of a difficult pregnancy go up rapidly when the mother has external stresses.

So senior women at Google now host workshops to encourage women to nominate themselves, and they are promoted proportionally to men The attrition rate for postpartum women was twice that for other employees. In response, Google lengthened maternity leave to five months from three and changed it from partial pay to full pay.

Empathy and practicality, however, dictate that the time to attack natalism is when people are considering conceiving a child, not when they're struggling with postpartum sleep deprivation.

About 10% of women suffer through postpartum depression. Up to 25% of both men and women suffer from post-partum depression. Wikipedia it. Being a high-flying exec has no correlation with the biology behind [postpartum depression].

Postpartum definitions


occurring immediately after birth; "postnatal development"

See also: postnatal