Postnatal in a sentence as an adjective

Methylation is super interesting, but I prefer to keep a broad focus on "what differences in the prenatal/postnatal environment?

Can women opt out of most everything to do with the prostate?On top of all of this, as another commenter explained, the marginal cost of prenatal/pregnancy/postnatal coverage isn't even all that high.

I think it is indeed closely related to the "generalized postnatal depression" that we're talking about here: the latter is not wanting the thing I worked for anymore, the former is believing that it is not deserved.

At such an age, these sex differences cannot readily be attributed to postnatal experience, and are instead consistent with a biological cause, most likely neurogenetic and/or neuroendocrine in nature.

Postnatal definitions


occurring immediately after birth; "postnatal development"

See also: postpartum