Pocketbook in a sentence as a noun

It may stroke your ego, but it won't pad your pocketbook.

"Of course you see it as a trend, or at least your pocketbook depends on it being one.

They enchant, and they delight, and because of that I will gladly open my pocketbook for Elon Musk.

As a Model S reservation holder, it pegs my pocketbook meter.

"If you really truly start to hurt in the pocketbook, I bet there will be much more incentive to really read up on the Science.

That poster originally commented that Kim was hitting the city in its pocketbook.

Actually, for all you non-American persons why have been asking what can you do about the NSA...The way to do it is through the pocketbook.

Since Wall Street has largely captured both parties, a plutocrat can vote on social issues without worrying overmuch about their pocketbook.

Hachette doesn't really have any reason to come out publicly and says they are trying to keep e-book prices high, since while that is good for authors and Hachette, it's bad for the consumer pocketbook.

Pocketbook definitions


your personal financial means; "that car is too expensive for my pocketbook"


a pocket-size case for holding papers and paper money

See also: wallet billfold notecase


pocket-sized paperback book


a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women); "she reached into her bag and found a comb"

See also: handbag purse