Wallet in a sentence as a noun

When a VC tells you what's good for you, check your wallet, then count your fingers.< is just gold.

I also have a backup wallet that contains a second set of cards in case I lose the first.

If the ATM gobbles the card, now you've effectively lost your entire wallet.

Somehow it's now being argued, that I should stay quiet and vote with my feet/wallet instead?

" Sometimes, it just quantum tunnels right through the wallet into my pocket!

It prompted some upgrades to the client, which now generates addresses in advance and stores them in the wallet.

Most services provide backup codes you can print out and keep in your wallet or another safe spot in case you lose or destroy your device.

My boss wanted to go get coffee before we got started, so while he was grabbing his wallet, I fired up my automated process.

That said, there are many times that I can't see a movie I want to see or watch a TV show that I want to see even if I have my wallet out.

OK, I'm lazy and my wallet is over on the kitchen table and I never remember my security code, for some reason.

* Letting emails about people's already confirmed bitcoins being locked into your "wallet" go unanswered.

It has superficial appeal but I really wouldn't pay $100 for so many potential problems, especially as it would only make my wallet a few mm thinner.

When the general public votes with their wallet in a landslide victory for Apple, we blame them for being easily manipulable by slick ad campaigns and shiny baubles.

So by sending 1 BTC, the client did in fact send 1 BTC to one address and the remaining 8999 BTC to a a newly generated address which is automatically added to the wallet.

In fact, it might jeopardize a retailer's merchant account if the acquiring bank found out the merchant were running cloned cards!The best way to counter a bulky wallet is to not add bulk in the first place.

Wallet definitions


a pocket-size case for holding papers and paper money

See also: billfold notecase pocketbook