Handbag in a sentence as a noun

Anyone who wants to "belong" to a league of people who would waste 2500$ on a handbag IS stupid.

" "Oh they'd have to let me take my handbag, so I'll bring a massive one... what do you mean only one cabin bag?

I can't take a Prada handbag out of store and leave the $50 marginal cost of the bag + $10 for restocking.

You really aren't special because your handbag has little LVs printed on them.

We need to check a few things up, this will take much ******* time can it take to check a stupid suitcase and a handbag>.

The perceived value of the handbag would vanish almost instantly.

Now consider what would happen if the same happened for Louis Vuitton's flagship $2000 handbag.

I've heard more than one person refer to their Android tablet as a "fake iPad", like it's some sort of designer handbag.

I didGuess who had to call other people, inform them the handbag they ordered as a Christmas gift was bogus, then listen to them cry?

There's no quality difference between a $5000 LV handbag and a good $100 one exception fashion, trends and branding.

It's no different from how Gucci or Prada owners make sure to prominently display the brand of their handbag when they are in public.

Cheap handbags are basically fungible, but luxury ones aren't.

To sell at $100, the manufacturing cost of a handbag would have to be maybe $10 or $20 max - whatever you think about LV you cannot possibly claim they cost only $10 to make.

Digital watches are basically the same as 20 years ago, and are sufficiently un-useful that most people wear analogue if anything at all. Everyone's carrying around a computer in their pocket/handbag that the watch could piggy-back off, it's time to make use of that.

> There's no quality difference between a $5000 LV handbag and a good $100 one exception fashion, trends and brandingWhile I understand and perhaps agree with your larger point, I have to disagree with this claim.

I think the quoted handbag example is a great, understandable analogy, that should be taught to everyone without the necessary technical understanding.

Now, I've never had a "large screen" phone before so my concerns may be unfounded but I feel that as I don't carry a handbag/manbag and my phone resides in my jeans pocket 99% of the time i'm on the move, anything over say 80/90mm long is just going to become an utter liability with respect to falling out and/or breakage?

Handbag definitions


a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women); "she reached into her bag and found a comb"

See also: pocketbook purse