Plebeian in a sentence as a noun

"Get off our website you non retina plebeian.

Wow, that is one **** of a smug article.>As metro stations go, L'Enfant Plaza is more plebeian than most.

But in truth, we lowly plebeian devs are capable of writing code and keeping apprised of new tech at the same time.

Lots of people leap before they have a parachute because the plebeian view is that entrepreneurs take risks.

The plebeian masses don't deserve security...but the corporate overlords sure as **** need it. What do you think keeps them in power/?

Sorry, I guess this only applies to non-Mac, mostly Win, machines as something so plebeian as an indicator light would never make it into a Mac.

But their utility in making JS a much more maintainer-friendly language would go a long way to reducing the misery of us plebeian js users.

The denizens of which also seem to suffer from this idea that they are totally unique and none of the plebeian hordes can possibly relate to what they go through.

Plebeian in a sentence as an adjective

It may even be "plebeian" to ask questions about the technical features of a data collection instrument named "Curiosity".

" him using forking and dongles in a sentence... those are simply good signals of a good developer"Pray tell, how does a plebeian joke about dongles signal that a developer is good?

I usually don't have the same tastes as professional critics, since they often have a far higher price range and pay attention to the professionality of a restaurant, and have their own biases away from the "plebeian" tastes.

What lies do they tell themselves in the pursuit of economic power and the subsequent subjugation of the population, or have they completely dispensed with even the pretense of plebeian morality?

But the US lacks the strong cultural/religious ideologies necessary to organize armies and instigate revolutions -- which is a damn good thing, but it also limits possible plebeian uprising.

Inverted totalitarianism supposes that a master class keeps the plebeian one controlled through apathy and deception, rather than open brute force as in classical totalitarian states.

Hitherto the paragon of collegiate studies, these textual discourses nowadays propagate freely in the super-plebeian fantasy-made-reality cyber-utopia that is the infosphere.

I mean beyond the fact that a man blessed by state aegis checks taxi's breaks while regular plebeian mechanics do the same for Uber, what is the evidence Uber is sidestepping completely sane rules and not just red tape made to look like sane rules?Not anecdotes like "Uber driver did X" - I'm sure for each such anecdote one can find "taxi driver did X" but real data on the scale of Germany - or any other scale like this?

Plebeian definitions


one of the common people

See also: pleb


of or associated with the great masses of people; "the common people in those days suffered greatly"; "behavior that branded him as common"; "his square plebeian nose"; "a vulgar and objectionable person"; "the unwashed masses"

See also: common vulgar unwashed