Apathy in a sentence as a noun

The vast majority of people do nothing until it hits them personally, that's why there's so much apathy.

I'll cheer for anything that raises awareness and reduces apathy among my generation and yours.

It neutralizes those who are naturally prone to apathy already.

Were it not for customer apathy, I'd like to think your entire shitty company would have been ****** out of existence by now for what they continue to do.

It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment.- Robert M. HutchinsThat said I don't think you can look at India with a western "orderly" "everything must make sense" mindset.

The publishers can only do what the lecturers let them do, and either through apathy or greed the lecturers have shirked their responsibility to their students.

His experience in **** concentration camps led him to conclude that the only way to fend off complete apathy was to try to find a personal meaning in your experience.

If you look at the scale of the problems India has gotten herself into - population, scarce natural resources, education, corruption - generations have had nothing but apathy towards.

Which is to ask, could colonizing other worlds actually accelerate the destruction of human civilization, rather than ensure it?As an alternative to possibly engendering environmental apathy, imagine a scenario akin to the Cold War, except that one of the superpowers has a million citizens on Mars, and the other doesn't.

Apathy definitions


an absence of emotion or enthusiasm


the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally

See also: indifference numbness spiritlessness