Unwashed in a sentence as an adjective

When did HN become about mods -vs- unwashed masses?

Generics, which would enable the unwashed mashes to write their own `append`?

So the mobile revolution is really about the unwashed masses computing for the first time.

With regard to the governance of America, it is not simply a choice between experts and the unwashed masses.

If the GitHub team screwed this up, what hope do the majority of the unwashed masses of Rails developers have, warning or no warning?

> Using terms like "unwashed masses" and "Joe sixpack" to describe the computer users of working class background where I come from is insulting.

There's nothing left for them but to strike out into the great unwashed, not-networked-by-them world, however unpleasant that may be. Alas, that requires effort.

Everybody in the world joining the internet combined with a lack of knowledge about how things work means the unwashed masses gravitate towards centralized services.

Day in and day out there are articles on here talking about how the smartest people "optimize" their time as if just relaxing and doing stuff with your friends/family is something only the unwashed masses do. Frankly I like my weekends a lot better when I'm not subjecting myself to "time optimization" or hobbies that take over my life.

Cox made defamatory statements; those are not neither covered under shield laws nor the first amendment!> doesn't mean that we need to somehow narrow the field of journalism to exclude the unwashed massespublishing and journalism are not the same!

Given that first example I paid attention and learned about the propensity of "reputable" proprietary software to be malwareI haven't been able to find any reputable reference for Windows sending local search keywords to "some server", maybe someone can point me to one. But the FUD campaign continues unchallenged and unabated, even in a community that prides itself to be technically superior to the unwashed masses.

> Drug use is a health-related issue, whether it is a doctor prescribing medications, a patient taking meds off-label, a person self-medicating, an addict, or some kind experimentation> We have a caricatured view of the drug addict -- the unwashed, illiterate, toothless junkie hiding out in a crack house.

I would tend to agree wrt HN nitpicking except in this case nirvana is presenting himself as the paragon of objectivity setting the story straight against the unwashed rabble of knee-jerk Apple haters, when in fact he is nowhere near objective when it comes to Apple, and shooting ignorant fish in a barrel is not good enough to validate his points.

Unwashed definitions


of or associated with the great masses of people; "the common people in those days suffered greatly"; "behavior that branded him as common"; "his square plebeian nose"; "a vulgar and objectionable person"; "the unwashed masses"

See also: common plebeian vulgar


not cleaned with or as if with soap and water; "a sink full of unwashed dishes"