Phraseology in a sentence as a noun

Why not buy phraseology 2 instead, if the features are so similar?

I am using such "phraseology" because we are at war with the upper class whether we want to be or not.

Exactly, my point is that the slow/fast phraseology is the wrong phrasing fight altogether.

With two inflection points in the phraseology, you can literally reverse your glue.

"Decimal date and time" is probably the more proper phraseology.

If you have a look at the FAA AIM, there is controller phraseology "squalk standby" which means to disable the transponder.

For the CEO of Dropbox, to hear that phraseology used in their direction, I can imagine how they might interpret it that way.

> Up to half the people alive in 1930, to use Kovcs' insensitive phraseology, were mentally ********?

But phraseology shapes the debate, as is evident from "death tax", "health care rationing", "government takeover of health care", etc.

Whenever you see a piece of legislation with phraseology like '[officer of some executive branch agency] shall do x, y, z, in the following fashion...' pay attention to the word shall.

I apologize for having tyrannized you with my Hellenic phraseology.

> * As long as you maintain more than 50% ownership, you're still the owner*Maybe pedantic, but here goes: If you have given away so much as a single share, the usual phraseology is that you are "part-owner", because you own only a part.

From the introduction:"In the articulate programming paradigm, a programmer undertakes a project by developing a domain-appropriate lexicon and phraseology which are leveraged directly to implement a solution that is readily accessible to domain experts and software experts alike.

Django's going to support Python 2 for quite some time yet; this move will simply let those who want to switch to 3 do so.> I don't understand what makes phraseology like this useful to anyone but a corporate lawyer: "the Django project is and will remain committed to achieving Python 3 compatibility"Because we weren't clear that Python 3 support was in the pipeline some folks in our community started to wonder if we planned to move the Python 3 at all.

Another point:- Firms both large and small may not seem interested in your skill-set until the moment that they are in need of it, so when reaching out, you may want to choose your phraseology from "i'm looking for a job" to "when you have a project, i'd be interested" If you get in touch with an actual person, it may also be advantageous to ask them when do these kinds of projects come up within their organization and for which clients.

Phraseology definitions


the manner in which something is expressed in words; "use concise military verbiage"- G.S.Patton

See also: wording diction phrasing verbiage