Diction in a sentence as a noun

The tone and diction of the article really struck me as odd and unusual. 1.

C' in the directory that shows just this with better diction. ]

I criticized his diction and argued that ***** was the wrong epithet. I don't recall my exact argument, but he conceded my point.

I've heard good things about diction-mode, grammar-mode and artbollocks-mode. And of course flyspell.

Especially in this context, it just seems like diction for the sole purpose of making Google look like they were 'in the wrong' in that situation.

The problem I have with Swype is that after Swyping a sentence or two, I have to look at what is being input because salad cookies wrong easily diction mumble bad. Elephant.

The easy to articulate bits of this include good posture, eye-contact and precise diction. There's probably more to it than that which I'm unaware of.

It seems like common sense to me but clothing and appearance are just communication tools the same way body language, tone of voice, and diction are.

Their diction shouldn't pretent otherwise. As for getting people to "apply" for this $400 ticket, they appear to have nothing in the way of information or any hints as to what will occur at this event.

Amazing what diction can do for public viewpoints. It's equally amazing how many don't care enough to notice the aural cues of the state of being disingenuous.

His English is exquisite, especially his diction, which is incomparable. Everything he wrote seems to be in a state of timeless balance.

In his words, further, he is so apposite and compressed that you do not know whether his matter is being illuminated by his diction or his words by his thoughts.

Yes, this might be semantics, but this type of updated/21st century diction to try to relate/appeal to a new audience sounds contrived. I applaud his efforts, because at least Thoreau serves as a way to balance out technologists' lives.

Using the word "millenniums" twice in an article the topic of which is not idiosyncratic diction is obnoxious.

Journalists, especially those writing for the NY Times, choose their words very carefully and are 100% deliberate in their conclusions, even if only implied through artful diction and innuendo. This is techcrunch-style gossip writ large and it names names.

You have solid points, but your rhetoric and diction is unnecessarily inflammatory and immature.

The phenomenon is very much like the artificial diction that inexperienced writers so often adopt, and which does nothing but get in their way. I know it's bad form to quote oneself, but I can't put it better than this: "When you're forced to be simple, you're forced to face the real problem.

I am confident that the creative and intelligent users of Hacker News can figure out how to retain "flavor and diction" while making their writing more substantive and less rude. Meta discussion is bad on HN. My current stream of meta comments is a special case, and temporary.

I am not impressed at his technical skillor his grammar, spelling, diction, or eloquenceindeed nothing about him says he's worth my time except that he's human and hurting. If anything, this offhand remark of yours serves to undermine your credibility to me.

While Assange could have been more precise with his diction, what would occur were it not for people questioning the integrity of the branches of government themselves -- barring the true definition of a rule of law? If the rule itself is unable to effect positive change, why would it be relevant in a just society at all?

Net profile, I found this biography, which I'm sharing in case you had the same question: "18-year-old business owner, web developer, systems administrator, high school basketball official, diction junkie, computer enthusiast, car enthusiast, college student."

As another female founder I concur: blind applications would make me more comfortable to consider applying to funds in general, not just YC. As an audio processing geek, getting male and female voices to sound the same is actually pretty hard without losing diction, but at least having the application have a separate cover-sheet for the founder's names and any information that might give away identifiers about gender, race and nationality would be a good start, so applications could be read 'blind'.

Diction definitions


the articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience

See also: enunciation


the manner in which something is expressed in words; "use concise military verbiage"- G.S.Patton

See also: wording phrasing phraseology verbiage