Philanthropic in a sentence as an adjective

If he wants to say that instead of "I'm spending my time on philanthropic causes" why the **** shouldn't he?

Don't for a minute think Google made Android open source for philanthropic reasons.

The great philanthropic era was a result of the robber barons.

If this is more a philanthropic gesture, are the hats necessary?

Why can't you just say thank you that so many wealthy people choose to turn their fortunes towards so many philanthropic causes?

That pretty much leaves government or philanthropic entities.

Our gnomon has to be a metron between political, strategic and philanthropic scopes.

"Internet everywhere" seems like a pretty good philanthropic strategy to me.

I know that's true because it's not just his money but he actually devoted, the much more precious commodity, of time, to his philanthropic efforts.

That is, the money spent "granting wishes" could perform much more good elsewhere, and so by donating to Make-a-Wish one is buying "fuzzies"[3], not being optimally philanthropic.

The Gates Foundation funds an incredible amount of basic research for a philanthropic organization.

Maybe we need some public institution - government or philanthropic - to grant loans at a 2 to 1 match for equity investment in companies that are tackling socially useful problems.

We have the early demonstration that targeted removal of senescent cells extends life in accelerated aging mice [1], for example, and ample reason to believe it is beneficial for ordinary individuals, but it took philanthropic funding to move that research forward at all.

Philanthropic definitions


generous in assistance to the poor; "a benevolent contributor"; "eleemosynary relief"; "philanthropic contributions"

See also: beneficent benevolent eleemosynary


of or relating to or characterized by philanthropy; "a philanthropic society"