Benevolent in a sentence as an adjective

No, benevolent dictators are the way to go.

The biggest problem with Google has been that they've been a "benevolent monarch", more or less.

We can finally sleep well tonight under the FBI's benevolent watch.

"I think municipal governments should be run by benevolent dictators.

My first impression, upon beholding an iPhone in summer 2007, was that it had been dropped to us from the heavens by some benevolent, spacefaring race.

"Actually, I guess I can't imagine that. They don't have the balls to admit that. They did the standard lawyer-over-the-shoulder thing of calling it all this big misunderstanding, and we really should have just trusted them to be more benevolent all along.

In fact, the way the Hackruiters think about Hacker School is a lot like the way we initially thought about YC: if it doesn't make money, it will at least have been a benevolent thing to do.

Not a humanitarian aid mission dispatched from your benevolent head into a world made unbearable by its lack of smartphone apps and productivity software.

I used to think negotiations were simple - just come in with a reasonable, middle of the way set of terms, treat the counter-party as a reasonable, benevolent entity, and everything will work out all right.

One imagines an elf in Santa's workshop, quite appropriate since the benevolent employer is a myth but the unwavering sweatshop labor in the service of fulfilling the bourgeoises' consumerist desires is very real.

It's kind of like a bunch of micro-sized benevolent dictatorships, but the dictator is naturally selected through capitalistic means: successful individuals gather the wealth required to reach this role in society.

Benevolent definitions


intending or showing kindness; "a benevolent society"


showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity; "was charitable in his opinions of others"; "kindly criticism"; "a kindly act"; "sympathetic words"; "a large-hearted mentor"

See also: charitable kindly sympathetic good-hearted openhearted large-hearted


generous in providing aid to others

See also: freehearted


generous in assistance to the poor; "a benevolent contributor"; "eleemosynary relief"; "philanthropic contributions"

See also: beneficent eleemosynary philanthropic