Pestered in a sentence as an adjective

Of course, a doctor does not have to bend to his patients' demands, but perhaps if they are pestered enough...

Eventually the leads you send will get pestered to death the larger your list grows, unless you can scale your list as you scale your customer base. I can see that really biting you.

Unless one or two of the students pestered the teacher to play with the computer, and then used the manual and/or trial and error to figure it out. Guess which students were doing that more?

That github pull request with **** code that "pestered" you could come from someone who turns out to be extremely talented in a year or two.

The employer does not want to be pestered all day about useless candidates. Just subtract some percentage from the recruiters fee for each wasted call.

No person learns anything private, and nobody will ever get pestered by the spam filters of google or other such. Also, there's no crates of illegal ***** there being moved around.

I first "disabled" it, and then I continuously pestered them with emails until they told me they had deleted my login and my account.

Hi Matt, We are a large and an absolutely legitimate publisher, that have been pestered and taunted by AdSense since 2009. Look at the history of this handle: it was created out of spite of the treatment we were given by the AdSense team.

I get pestered with messages from Google on various services asking for my phone, merging/creating accounts, joining Google+, etc. Often the UI is so that for an average user it's not clear how to opt-out from it.

For every bus driver being tormented that is saved with kickstarter story, you can find one where a user is being pestered and encouraged to commit ******* by trolls, or things like the Boston Marathon manhunt. I feel as if the Reddit community is hitting a point of critical mass where one of two things are going to happen: 1.

The Motorola guys pestered their Xerox field-support rep, to no avail. Finally they decided to take direct action, to demonstrate to Xerox management just how easily the system could be cracked and just how thoroughly the security safeguards could be subverted.

For example, many cities in OSM have virtually perfect address geocoding because some random person pestered their local government to openly release a dump of addresses and their coordinates, whereas Google is just guessing at house numbers.

> Wow, I got a totally unexpected feeling of joy of getting immediate, concise results from a flight search instead of the usual drag of navigating through 3 - 4 screens and getting long waits, pestered with ads, special offers, etc. Had you never tried hipmunk before this?

I think it's fairly obvious from all of these stories about the Google recruiting process - being pestered fairly regular by different people who appear unaware or indifferent to your past experiences with Google, either as an employee/contractor/failed candidate - that the recruiters have some sort of quota system and need to keep feeding potential candidates into the interview process to meet their own metrics. Hence why a lot of times it seems like someone is being contacted out of the blue based upon an "online profile" that someone stumbled upon through desperate-seeming research.

The other idea that popped into my head is we could develop a new "secret geek code" for HN readers where asking candidates endless queuing theory questions means we're secretly warning the interviewee about long lines in the cafeteria, lots of tree data structure trivia questions means a warning about an intensely hierarchical management style, weird trivia questions about designing thread safe interrupt handling routines means you'll be pestered a lot when you're trying to work which you may or may not be cool with, that kind of thing.

Pestered definitions


troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances; "harassed working mothers"; "a harried expression"; "her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions"; "the vexed parents of an unruly teenager"

See also: annoyed harassed harried vexed