Harassed in a sentence as an adjective

I've gotten harassed quite a few times. I'm at the point where I wonder if I'm on a watch list.

Had Bob been a jerk and constantly harassed the support staff with problems that were of his own making, then I'd have gotten rid of him. Probably.

Corollary to this, you could be harassed and pursued and made to act against such people in the interests of national security. 4.

Equality cuts both ways: people shouldn't be harassed because they are a minority. But they shouldn't be put on a pedestal just because of it, either.

I was uselessly harassed by him because I spoke at Extreme Futurist Fest. He's real, he's crazy, and sometimes the police aren't effective.

The rest of the allegations are unproven, but the allegation that Mr. Mateen harassed Ms. Wolfe is, for all intents and purposes, 100% factual. There's no reason to defend this guy.

I've seen people online harassed and abused for even the slightest of statements that are very often misconstrued and interpreted in the harshest possible light. Before you know it, you'll be getting death threats over Twitter.

This person could have been legitimately harassed, but all of the ******** flooding online has made me grow a thick skin and just not care anymore because I think it's fake.

Those alone are enough to prove that he sexually harassed her. If you're honestly trying to argue that we 'don't know all that facts' and that 'we shouldn't jump to conclusions' then I feel bad for any women who have to interact with you because you're probably a ******* scumbag too.

Sony is a terrible company and they deserve to go down because of the way they've harassed private individuals, they've lobbied for ridiculous legislation and have done an enormous amount of wrong. And in spite of all that you should still be even handed in dealing with them.

Better criminals go free than innocent people be harassed by police who think they're on an episode of 24. > If you fail the mission, you're facing demotion, punishment, deprivation of public support and sufficient budget, and the public will view you with contempt and disgust.

People like the Free-Range Parenting blogger getting harassed and hounded. The ballooning security and surveillance apparatus.

Isamu Kaneko who wrote Winny [1], a popular Japanese P2P program, while working as a research assistant at University of Tokyo was persecuted and harassed until he died of heart attack this year. He did not profit at all from Winny.

There is a problem of women being harassed, seriously creeped out, feeling unwelcome and unable to do anything about it because of the actions of a few, and the lack of any clear policy or action on the part of conference organizers. And heck, a clear policy can help.

He harassed a guy, because the guy works at Google, into giving him his opinion about a semi-controversial topic in a private forum. Then he writes a blog hit-piece in which he explicitly identifies him and disparages him for the opinion he gave!

Note that "I got tired of being harassed by google recruiters" is probably not a good answer for the last one. From the original article: "I guess thats why when I interviewed for my transfer, I was told I was not technical enough to do the job Id been doing for 3 years already, supporting the Freebase community."

Innocent until proven guilty but also wanting not to assume a women is lying about sexually harassed, how do you balance those two things? Given what we know about sexual harassment, it's a horrible idea to operate on the assumption the accuser is lying, but when it's just word vs.

That rapist thread in /r/AskReddit was, next to the time a poor girl was harassed due to a user thinking she faked her assault story, the worst thing I've ever seen on reddit. The direct responses were exactly what the OP had asked, but the comment replies by users were flooded with rape apology and victim blaming.

And I'm sorry to come down hard on you, but it's pretty arrogant to tell someone who is still suffering the consequences of being harassed because of his race not to take notice of the race of the people harassing him.

Quote Examples using Harassed

I'm having trouble coming up with reasons that this isn't appropriate for HN. A programmer, who just-so-happens to be a founder of noisebridge, is being harassed by the federal government for participating in an online newspaper. He's effectively being harassed for participating in the types of things that programmers participate in. Since this is hacker news, most of the people here are programmers, meaning most of the people here are interested in it, meaning that it's appropriate. tl;dr: programmers tend to be interested in news about programmers and how their activities as programmers can effect them. A parallel might be a musician being harassed by their government for writing anti-war songs, and a story about it being covered on a music website.


Harassed definitions


troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances; "harassed working mothers"; "a harried expression"; "her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions"; "the vexed parents of an unruly teenager"

See also: annoyed harried pestered vexed