Annoyed in a sentence as an adjective

What always annoyed me much more was the delayed reaction. I swipe, nothing happens, the page scrolls.

So it takes some discipline and maturity not to be annoyed... but sanity is worth it.

I get so annoyed when I see people pick apart an acquisition. I saw this same behavior for Gowalla, and then Mint before it.

I built this to scratch my own itch, as somebody who frequently reads GitHub code and feels annoyed having to click countless of links to navigate through a large project. Hope it is useful for other people too.

I guess I am not as annoyed about the shady tactics as you are, I just ignore them. So I'm sorry that you don't like the site, but I politely decline your recommendation to delete my account.

Was anyone else a bit annoyed by this statement? It's a good, wholesome, and healthy thing to say "You guys use Windows and I like using Unix", but it's wrong to say "You guys use Windows, and that says something about your organization."

When I stayed after class to ask you questions I was too shy to ask in class, or to just discuss the subject material in greater depth, youd answer in a very short, annoyed tone, as if you had more important things to do. My thank yous went unanswered.

People who drive cars are annoyed and afraid of cyclists because if anything were to happen, the driver would be at fault. When I was getting my driver's license my instructor kept telling me that I should never let a cyclist pass if I have the right of way.

It's got to the point I can't actually take products like this seriously without getting annoyed by them going on about artisanal wood carvings. Like the owning of the object itself is more important than what you're supposed to do with it .

You have annoyed me. You're a manager. Your job is to properly deal with issues that would annoy others. Why would anyone want to work for someone so easily annoyed?

Because now you can experience the details for as long as you want without a hundred other people around you who are just as annoyed at you as you are at them. I get it that a tourist complaining about tourist attractions being too crowded is total hypocrisy on my part.

This annoyed the politicos no end, especially as a lot of them are from the horse-riding classes. It sounds like a flippant remark until you realise it was triggered by him knowing people who have died or become brain-damaged pursuing equestrian hobbies.

C. got a bit annoyed about this, because Douglas was about to depart on a speaking tour of the US, and C. was responsible for ensuring his laptop worked. And this machine had been sent back for repair about three times, and replaced twice.

I can appreciate the differences and pros and cons to various operating systems, but I honestly get annoyed by people that attack or bash another OS with broad statements like "Well what do you expect from Microsoft?" or "Well I can do that on Mac why can't I do it on Windows?"

When I went to Google I got a Macbook as my laptop choice, it was different, and I struggled at first, but once I became reasonably good at navigating around I found that I was also less annoyed with Gnome. I think the Unity strategy at Canonical will pay them big dividends.

They already annoyed and inconvenienced a lot of people with the Samba and GCC removal. Having wooed so many developers to the Mac in the last decade, are they really prepared to throw away all that goodwill by shipping obsolete tools and making it a pain in the *** to upgrade them?

I totally agree with making black boxes more advanced to phone home and such, but this line annoyed me: "Your iPhone is more powerful than the evidence-collecting computers in the cockpit. Simple changes could mean faster answers for plane crashes" You're talking about the black box for a airline jet.

Overall, I'm incredibly happy that I got it, and I actually get slightly annoyed now when I have to use my Macbook Air for work - I wish I could be using the XPS13 instead. Aside from the fact that I'd rather be using Linux any day, hands-down, the computer just feels more physically appealing in itself.

Although the responsible developer's reaction and attitude are both commendable, one element of his response annoyed me: his continued assertion that he should not have been allowed to do this thing that he did. I think it is a truism that systems which allow users to do interesting and clever things must also allow users to do remarkably stupid and wrong things.

Not just because of his characterisation of Snowden, but because he's clearly more annoyed at the economic cost of the revelations to Silicon Valley businesses than about the contents of the revelations, which says a lot about his world view.

Saying things like "think it's pretty ridiculous that you're even getting the slightest bit annoyed about this", "needless to say, we'll be staying well clear of anything ur involved with in future for fear of ridiculous reaction" and using "u do realise that about 50% of all publications is content sourced from other publications right?" as a sort of defence is a horrible PR line for a proprietor to play, even if that's his honest opinion.

Annoyed definitions


aroused to impatience or anger; "made an irritated gesture"; "feeling nettled from the constant teasing"; "peeved about being left out"; "felt really pissed at her snootiness"; "riled no end by his lies"; "roiled by the delay"


troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances; "harassed working mothers"; "a harried expression"; "her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions"; "the vexed parents of an unruly teenager"

See also: harassed harried pestered vexed