Hone in a sentence as a noun

It's a skill you can hone, especially as a team.

This is one of the ways cold readers hone in on all kinds of things about the person they are reading.

Cool, then let's hone in on what you do want and guess what, some stuff from previous iterations might carry over.

Also hone your communication skills until they are as razor sharp as the post above.

I find this algorithm to be pretty efficient; it lets me hone in on a correct design within a week's time.

Most productive things I did then were read classic literature and hone my chess skills against the computer.

Where do they get the time and the energy to get the exposure to hone the skillset that enables talking to women?

To seek out knowledge and to hone his ability to separate truth from fiction, insight from platitude.

As those people hone their skills and eventually find jobs, Photoshop is the norm and what their employers purchase licensing for.

Hone in a sentence as a verb

But I was told to just hone in on the issue I was supposed to solve, not worry about the bigger picture, and to just solve the problem.

Print-debugging can give you a transcript of the program's execution, which you can look at to hone in on the moment where things go wrong.

And having the perseverance to hone your skills and produce successful games in your spare time, even if it takes years, is a good litmus test for that.

No one clicks on ads....until that one time they do. Critics of digital advertising like to hone in on anecdotal examples of online ads failing to support their points.

Some people are never satisfied with the work of others, and it's exactly this dissatisfaction that can drive them to hone their own endeavors.

Unless you want to hone in and talk about individual people there's no answer to the question, and we're just trading vague meaningless opinions.

Lots of people think they did poorly because they choked and missed some edge case that had to pointed out to them -- not at all, I've been incredibly impressed with people that took them multiple revisions to hone their algorithm.

I'm outside the US and have been steadily losing faith in it's legal system because of the rampant patent trolling and idiotic laws, but it is very refreshing to see someone take the time and effort to finely hone a decision like this.

Hone definitions


a whetstone made of fine gritstone; used for sharpening razors


sharpen with a hone; "hone a knife"


make perfect or complete; "perfect your French in Paris!"

See also: perfect