Permissiveness in a sentence as a noun

He is talking about less permissiveness, more restrictions, more checks that the programmer.

I believe the choice of BSD kernel of OS X was laregely due to the permissiveness of the BSD license v. GPL, not underlying kernel advantages.

I think the other thing this initiative does is put the license out there with permissiveness and clarity.

Because as GP said in the third paragraph, they're making decisions for us that tend to be biased in favor of permissiveness.

That's a major change in the permissiveness of the word liberty, and would open up infinite slippery ***** arguments.

Of course this is in a Canadian city where the schools don't have fences, doors are unlocked, no security guards, adults wander in and out all through the day. Americans would be shocked at the apparent permissiveness of it all.

Both sides seem to be pushing for the extreme permissiveness or restriction in their respective viewpoints, but the best probably lies in between, as you say.

Given the permissiveness of fair use laws and the low probability that random bloggers will engage in costly and lengthy lawsuits, I imagine that CC license or not, Marco's stuff would get scraped.

Such permissiveness can only dilute the perceived value of anonymous speech as a whole, with potentially disastrous effects on those who cannot speak in safety otherwise.

BerkeleyDB was distributed with the "Sleepycat License" since 1996 which is similar to GPL in terms of permissiveness so it's not like BerkeleyDB has been distributed with a permissive license in the past.

There's a really pernicious attitude of permissiveness, even encouragement, towards theft and evasion of payment for digital goods in many of pockets of online culture.

This freedom of expression is extremely valuable, not because the word "****" has any particular intrinsic value, but because it's a culture of permissiveness which enables people to speak their minds and attempt to affect change even if they're clumsy and crude with language.

Permissiveness definitions


a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior

See also: tolerance