Pernicious in a sentence as an adjective

Oh, spare us. Playing at Mr. Citation Needed is not a form of smartness and is in fact a pernicious sort of bias.

It has all sorts of pernicious cultural effects.

"for meditation you are supposed to be free of such thoughts"This a pernicious falsehood.

>text links replaced by only graphical iconsThis is a terribly pernicious trend in all sorts of software, not just GMail.

*People who say research costs billions, not millions have been suckered by the most pernicious line of ******** imaginable.

There's a place where points of view become so poisonous and pernicious, it's a moral duty to become angry rather than tolerate their continued reasonable discussion.

And pernicious: it appeals to nationalism, framing US citizens as noble suckers who somehow help the entire world by letting corporations rob them blind.

The "Sunday" and "Caller ID" rules basically put a deceptive veneer on the most subjective of all criteria: the "gut check".That's bad enough, but both rules also have a pernicious culture effect.

It's time to set aside protectionism and recognise it for the pernicious imperialism and borderline racism it really is.

The answer to the third question is great:"A legacy from the communalist movement that I think is pernicious is a turning away from politics, a turning toward the self as the basis of political change, of social action.

I tried to be rational and then I got to the second paragraph of their own brief:"The second and even more pernicious effect is that illegal theft of intellectual property is undermining both the means and the incentive for entrepreneurs to innovate, which will slow the development of new inventions and industries that can further expand the world economy and continue to raise the prosperity and quality of life for everyone.

Factors that go into freelancers getting paid more include:* Access to talent on predefined schedule* Minimal commitment to that talent, instead of a year of salary* Allocation of that talent to your projects as opposed to some other company's projects* Ramp-up* Ramp-down* Travel and/or logistics & communications overhead* Invoicing and receivables overheadIt is a really pernicious meme that developers should consider billing hourly because they work hourly.

Pernicious definitions


exceedingly harmful

See also: baneful deadly pestilent


working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way; "glaucoma is an insidious disease"; "a subtle poison"

See also: insidious subtle