Bucolic in a sentence as a noun

It used to be orchards and farms and rather bucolic, apparently.

I do find the bucolic landscapes and slower pace of life appealing at some level, however.

Just because they play in a way that's different from yours or bucolic paintings doesn't mean they don't actually have more fun than you did.

The idea of landing a job in some bucolic university town actually has an appeal for some folks.

Open green spaces, along with new community gardens and orchards, look almost bucolic against the downtown skyline.

Perhaps someday we will have a bucolic utopian society, but we can't make current decisions based on those assumptions.

Bucolic in a sentence as an adjective

That's Marin, where all the rich professionals who work in SF live, and where they intentionally prevent development because they like their bucolic atmosphere.

It's as if one is on a pleasant jaunt through bucolic parkland, punctuated repeatedly by intersections with angry vehicular traffic that can't possibly see the cyclist before she enters the intersection.

It seems to be a 20th century thing, in my view, but then I wasn't around to admire the bucolic pasture of the previous centuries where I assume dire poverty was the norm, which leads me to question - at least we have housing for more or less everyone in Europe?

> buying a new home in an isolated haven in a nearby bucolic county is not an option for lower-income San Francisco residents, and some believe the trend is only exacerbating the wealth divideI thought the rent control crowd wanted the wealthy to leave?

Can we now see a similar article for how to learn a foreign language in 17 days while commuting 30 minutes each way to a 8 hour job 5 days a week and while raising a child or two?Seems like just about anyone can learn to speak French when given the opportunity to immerse themselves in a bucolic French village with nothing to do!

I wonder, a successfull writer would be considered a "passive income" example here in HN?It seems to me that the illusion of working hard for some months, writing a master piece, be ackonwledged a great writer, then, every 5 years writing a new hit and be wealthy forever while working on a bucolic house very similar to the passive income dream.

Bucolic definitions


a country person

See also: peasant provincial


a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life

See also: eclogue idyll idyl


(used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic; "a country life of arcadian contentment"; "a pleasant bucolic scene"; "charming in its pastoral setting"; "rustic tranquility"

See also: arcadian pastoral


relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle; "pastoral seminomadic people"; "pastoral land"; "a pastoral economy"

See also: pastoral