Modernise in a sentence as a verb

But I have no respect for the small attempts to modernise the OS with ported iOS features.

> I have no respect for the small attempts to modernise the OSMaybe I'm getting old, but I like the slower pace that Apple has taken.

Unions were a powerful force for good - but they also created huge problems in some countries once those rights had been one and they failed to modernise.

One went like this: Bonaparte wants to modernise countries and wage war on 'tradition'; let's join the French movement and abolish our backward traditions.

Maybe modernise it a bit and have a digital one with, wait for it, images and videos!I love keeping a journal and have done so for a fair few years quite diligently and before that, on and off. I have friends who have journals from their grandparents and some even further back.

The team are re-architecting our Poker & Games Platforms to modernise some legacy systems, and we need plenty of new breed OO Java developers who are focused on the server-side with a thorough understanding of message driven architecture.

There is hardly crime drama where a crime is solved without using the data of a mobile communications device.>"As you move from a world of people having fixed telephones and mobile phones to Skype and phones on the internet, if we don't modernise the practise and modernise the law over time we will have the communications data to solve these horrible crimes on a shrinking proportion of devices.

Modernise definitions


become technologically advanced; "Many countries in Asia are now developing at a very fast pace"; "Viet Nam is modernizing rapidly"

See also: modernize develop


make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to; "You should overhaul your car engine"; "overhaul the health care system"

See also: overhaul modernize