Outcome in a sentence as a noun

If that's the outcome, it's also the best outcome because it means the startup's a tarpit.

This story then is not a "PR nightmare" for them; it's the expected outcome of their actions.

Is Soverain a patent troll that deserved this outcome?

Is there a reason that, if market incentives would indeed cause such an outcome, they wouldn't have already caused it?

This is an unbelievable outcome that illustrates that great good can come even from lousy things that people do.

It's that Silver was able to market the idea that using statistical models is better than a table full of talking heads at predicting an outcome.

This seems to be the natural outcome of Amazon's excellent customer service policy, where they have on numerous occasions[0] refunded costs for hacked instances.

And almost no one is protected - if you pick a name out of a hat of all america, pretty much any possible outcome will be dead easy to track down, stalk, find the right opportunity and shoot dead.

Outcome definitions


something that results; "he listened for the results on the radio"

See also: result resultant termination


a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; "the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise"; "his decision had depressing consequences for business"; "he acted very wise after the event"

See also: consequence effect result event issue upshot